What kind of event is SushiAppro?

SushiAppro is a completely new event concept, which was organized for the first time on April 9, 2024, in Tampere. The purpose of the event is to provide students with an opportunity to better explore Tampere’s Asian restaurants. Participants will have the chance to taste familiar and perhaps even new Asian delicacies at student-friendly prices. Our key values include experientiality, accessibility, and student-friendliness.

At the event, university students will tour Asian restaurants in the central area of Tampere in a checkpoint-style route. The restaurants will offer various savory and sweet delicacies at affordable prices. By purchasing a small portion from a restaurant, the participant earns a stamp in their achievement passport, called the ’appropassi.’ After collecting at least six stamps, the participant can redeem a unique sew-on-patch at the finish line.

SushiAppro is organized by the student association Tampereen Lääketieteen Kandidaattiseura TLK Ry. A group of volunteers from the association’s members has come together to arrange the tastiest interdisciplinary student event of the spring. The event team is introduced in its entirety in the Contact section.

The greatest and most significant impact of SushiAppro on restaurants is the introduction of new potential customers. Our event provides your establishment with special visibility within the student community, facilitating the establishment of long-term customer relationships. By participating in the SushiAppro event, we ensure extensive visibility for your restaurant in both traditional and digital channels. We leverage the appro-pass, our website, and our social media channels. Additionally, the event is expected to attract a substantial number of visitors, positively influencing your restaurant’s revenue. After the event, we collect participant feedback, providing you with insights to further enhance your restaurant’s operations if desired.

To participate in our event, you don’t need anything other than a stamp and a cheerful customer service spirit. However, for a large number of customers, it is recommended to prepare for efficient service. In practice, this means ensuring customer capacity, such as pre-preparation of dishes and increasing workforce. It is advisable to plan a few student-friendly ’appromenus’ for participants to purchase with a stamp. The purpose of the event is to provide students with taste experiences, but at the same time, it aims to bring new customers to you. Our team is ready to collaborate with you in designing student-friendly menus if you need assistance or ideas.

If you need more information or want to discuss details, feel free to contact the project manager, whose contact information can be found in the Contact section. We look forward to a potential collaboration and the taste experiences we can create together.

SushiAppro is a unique event that brings together the entire student community of Tampere. Our event gathers students from various fields and future multi-talents. This provides you with an exceptional opportunity to reach and impact the student community in diverse ways. In collaboration with you, we ensure that you gain the desired visibility, not only through traditional marketing tools such as posters and signs but also through innovative methods like leveraging digital marketing channels, engaging the student community, and creating interactive event materials.

We have prepared partnership packages that include various visibility and marketing opportunities for our event. However, each partner is unique, which is why the packages are customizable to align with your company’s values and preferences. We emphasize making our collaboration mutually enjoyable and beneficial.

Feel free to contact the project manager in the Contact section if you would like more information or to discuss details. Let’s create a collaboration that reflects both our event and your company!